How to mount Google Drive as a file system in Linux

This blog post was published 7 years ago and may or may not have aged well. While reading
please keep in mind that it may no longer be accurate or even relevant.
This was surprisingly simple thanks to the excellent google-drive-ocamlfuse project!
For Debian 10 “Buster”, the steps are as follows:
As root:
apt install opam
apt install libcurl4-gnutls-dev libfuse-dev libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev m4 zlib1g-dev # dependencies for google-drive-ocamlfuse
Then, as unprivileged user, you can install google-drive-ocamlfuse
into ~/.opam
opam init
eval `opam config env` # set needed environment variables
opam update
opam install depext
opam depext google-drive-ocamlfuse
opam install google-drive-ocamlfuse
This compiles a native binary ~/.opam/system/bin/google-drive-ocamlfuse
The first time, simply run this binary without arguments:
This will start your default browser where you have to authorize gdfuse
to access your Google Drive.
Then, mounting your actual Google Drive is as simple as running
google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/path/to/where/to/mount
ls -l ~/path/to/where/to/mount
Voila! Problem solved in 10 minutes!
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